4 Types of Therapist that Probably Work for You

We all know them, and mostly love them.

They are the team members who make your business dreams a reality. This week we’ll take a look at some of the generic personality types of the therapists who make up your amazing teams.

The “Go-Getter”

Meet Susan. She’s Type A, she will make sure that patient shows up on time or they will get a piece of her mind. She doesn’t mess around; her patients will get every last drop of therapy they can out of her Plan of Care. No Missed visits whatsoever. She’ll work nights and weekends to ensure she makes her hours and gives her patients the best care possible. She’s always lurking around the corner of the intake office waiting for the phone to ring. “Is that a new patient? I’ll take the case!” You’re always watchful to make sure she doesn’t gobble up the majority of the caseload. But, at the end of the day, her success is your success so you’re willing to tolerate some of her antics.


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The “Procrastinator”

Meet Karen. She’s always doing a ton of work. This was the girl in college who never left the Library and always seemed to have too much on her plate even though you were in all the same classes. She’s detail-oriented and takes the extra time to make sure her progress notes are 100% accurate down to the smallest detail. Perpetually late on all paperwork but you can’t really complain because her notes are flawless. And she’s not spending her time goofing off like some other therapists, she just likes to get it right the first time.


The “Sweetest Thing”

Meet Jocelyn. Oh my gosh, this one is just the sweetest person around. Her patients LOVE her, the parents love her, the staff loves her, no one has a bad thing to say about her. She’s just the best but watch out for her so that others (looking at you Susan) don’t squash her spirits (and caseload). Check in with her often, make sure she’s doing ok. This is the therapist that patients leave glowing reviews about. She’s a gold mine for good customer reviews so be sure to leverage that.


The “Corner Cutter”

Meet Jen. Even her name is cut short. She finished her progress notes just in time for payroll and they have the bare minimum information needed to meet compliance. She’s patient-focused and just doesn’t have the time to write tons of info that no one will honestly EVER look at. She’s the person that copy and paste was made for. She’s also the first person to jump in and help if others need advice or a helping hand.


Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, let’s make sure we learn our team members and how best to leverage their strengths and minimize weaknesses. I hope you found this enjoyable and maybe even took some advice from our “types”. What other types can you think of?

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