What Can We Learn from This Crisis?

Where do we go from here?


Could the Coronavirus pandemic be one of those major shifts that will fundamentally change the way we do Therapy? Or will its effects be here today and gone tomorrow? Either way, I’m hoping we can STOP and take the time to learn some lessons from this crisis that can help practices grow and adapt in the future. With any crisis also comes an opportunity to innovate and think differently about the status quo.


Over the past month, we’ve seen a titanic shift away from face-to-face office visits and towards Teletherapy. So many healthcare providers were nervous or skeptical about whether they could treat patients virtually, but circumstances have forced many providers into a situation where it’s the only option.


However, I believe that once this crisis is over, we can come out the other side in a stronger place than we were before it began. What do I mean? Let’s talk about some things that providers are doing to keep businesses running strong during this crisis.


1.     Teletherapy visits could be one solution to a problem that everyone experiences, No-Shows and Cancellations. Perhaps create a “Teletherapy Waiting List” for patients who are willing to do a teletherapy visit on short notice. You might be able to pick up some of those visits that would otherwise be skipped or missed by a cancellation.


2.     Your practice is NO LONGER limited by your physical location. What do I mean? You can do a teletherapy visit for a patient in Miami even if you live in Jacksonville. How does that change your marketing strategy?


3.     Is it time to get rid of your fax machine? Do you still have a big expensive fax machine that sits in the office and takes up space and paper…lots and lots of paper? Go digital. Many of our clients use SFAX to send and receive their plans of care from physicians. It works just as well with no mess and you can do it from anywhere for a fraction of the cost.


These are just a few examples of how the industry is shifting to meet new challenges. There’s no doubt, the Coronavirus has affected every aspect of our businesses. If you have any other suggestions or examples, please share in the comments and let’s work together to build a stronger future for Therapy! 


Stay safe out there! 

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aaron marshall