New Study Shows Teletherapy Reduces Risk of Shark Bites

This is the news we’ve been waiting for! A study released today by the Foundation for American Kid Experiments (F.A.K.E.) links a sharp decline in shark bites around the state of Florida over the past few weeks to a combination of Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapy performed via Teletherapy. A surprised researcher from the organization remarked “We thought we would see an increase in Shark Bites as patients would be more likely to attend therapy sessions from beaches or intercoastal waterways.”


This is a surprising and welcome development in the world of Telehealth and proponents of the under-utilized Teletherapy methods are overjoyed to see these kinds of results in such a short period of time.


Learning of the news just this morning, President Donald Trump had this to say about hardworking therapists “I’m not surprised by this AT ALL. These people are doing really terrific things and they are really smart and really capable people as you all know. I know these people and they’re great people, really terrific, everyone agrees!”  


Other States are following Florida’s example and loosening restrictions on Teletherapy treatments in an effort to reap similar benefits. In other un-related news, Florida’s beaches remain closed to public access and local officers are patrolling the shores to ensure compliance with the statewide executive order.


Happy April Fool’s Day!

But seriously, you guys rock! The Pediatric Therapist of Florida have shown remarkable resilience and flexibility in a fast-changing environment. Hopefully this helps lighten the mood. You got this!

aaron marshall